- FNTS is a founding member of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO / FMOI).
At its regular meeting, which took place on April 1, 2021, the Board of Directors of the Federation of the Scientific – Engineering Unions in Bulgaria, adopted by unanimity, the WFEO Model Code of Practice “Principles of Climate Change Adaptation for Engineers”, as a national guideline and standard of practice for our member organizations.
WFEO Model Code of Practice
See more
- FNTS is a member of the European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI).
- FNTS is a member of European Young Engineers / EYE /.
- FNTS is a member of the Standing Conference of engineering organizations from Southeast Europe / CO.PICEE /.
- FNTS is a member of the UN Global Compact.
FNTS has the exclusive right to award:
- the title of European Engineer / EUR ING /
For more information - see here
- The European Computer Driving Licence ECDL, which proves their computer skills of the owner.
- FNTS and its members - the national scientific and engineering unions are members of international organizations in the field of science and technology.
- FNTS performed bilateral cooperation with similar organizations from many countries.
- FNTS participates in the development of programs and projects funded by the EU, the World Bank, and other cross-border cooperation to expand and improve the activities of the organization
- FNTS international activities strengthen international contacts and mutually beneficial cooperation with similar organizations at home and abroad.