• Scientific
  • Scientific Engineering
    Union of Water
    Affairs (STUWA)
  • Scientific engineering Union of
    Surveyors and Land Managers
    in Bulgaria (USLMB)
  • Scientific engineering Union of
    Electronics, Electrical Engineering
    and Telecommunications (CEEC)
  • Scientific engineering
    union of inventors
    in Bulgaria
  • Scientific engineering
    union of Economists
    in Bulgaria
  • Scientific engineerin
    union of Forestry
  • Scientific engineering
    union of Mining,
    Geology and Metallurgy
  • Scientific engineering
    union of Agriculture
  • Scientific engineering
    union of Construction
  • Scientific engineering
    union of Textile,
    Garment and Leather
  • Scientific engineering
    union of Transport
  • Scientific engineering
    union of Chemists
  • Scientific engineering
    union of Food Industry
  • Scientific engineering
    union of
    Standardization experts
  • Scientific engineering
    union of Metrologists
  • Scientific engineering
    union of Quality
    Management Specialists
  • sai
    The John Atanasoff Union of Automation and Informatics (UAI) is a nongovernmental, non-profit society of the specialists in the field of automation and informatics inBulgaria. It was founded in 1990 by initiative group of leading specialists in this scientific and professional area.

    The most prominent Bulgarian scientists and specialists in the area of Automation and Informatics are members of UAI.
    The Union was registered as a society - a juridical person, and it is not business oriented.

    The Union is a foundation member of the Federation of the Scientific Engineering Unions /FNTS/ and a member of CEPIS (Council of European Professional Informatics Societies); trough FNTS, UAI is a member of IFAC and of FEANI (European Federation of National Engineering Associations).

    The Union has a contract for collaboration with IEEE. UAI makes contacts and collaboration with related societies and institutions in the country and abroad.

    1000 Sofia, 108 Rakovski Str, IV floor, room 413
    Tel: +359 2 987 61 69
    e-mail: sai@infotel.bg
  • waterThe Scientific-Technical Union of Water Affairs (STUWA), created in 1966, is a public body incorporating scientists and professionals from the whole country, dealing with investigation, design, construction and operation of water projects in Bulgaria. Members of the Union are also more than 50 companies, enterprises, research institutes and other organizations, operating in the sphere of water management.

    The Scientific-Technical Union of Water Affairs in Bulgaria is the continuer and successor of the first technical society, founded in 1885 in the city of Rouse, and our entire activity is orientated towards the formulation and implementation of a scientific-technical, environmental, economic and social policy in the field of water at the national and regional level.

    Our aim is to assist our members in their work through the extension of their qualification, supplying them with timely scientific and technological information and creating possibilities for getting into contacts with similar institutions both in this country and abroad. For that purpose we organize international and national conferences, congresses, forums, seminars, training courses, exhibitions etc.

    We issue a review entitled "Water Affairs", which adresses the issues and problems of integrated water resources management.

    Sofia 1000, Bulgaria, 108 Rakovski str., floor 4, office 419
    Tel./Fax: +359 2 988 53 03
    National house of science and technology
    e-mail: stuwa@stuwa.org
  • SZGBThe Union of Surveyors and Land Managers in Bulgaria (USLMB) is a public, professional, non-partisan organization. Its members range from students to old age pensioners, from technicians to university professors; it unites employees of government and private companies, enterprises, universities, employers, and contractors of surveying activities.

    The Union was established 80 years ago and has regional structures in almost all of the 28 former counties in the country.

    The Union is a member of FIG (International Federaton of Surveyors), ISPRS (International Society of Photo­grammetry and Remote Sensing), ICA (International Cartographic Association), EGoS (European Group of Surveyors) and as and CLEG (Le Comité de Liaison des Géometres-experts Européens). It maintains contacts with other international organisations and national unions, as well. The Union organises international and national symposia, conferences, seminars, organises national and regional meetings and publishes proceedings and materials of such events.

    USLMB develops multiple activities: organizational, scientific - engineering, international, publishing contact and cooperation with government institutions, private companies and other organizations, professional protection, financial and other activities, organizes national and international symposia, conferences, seminars, organizes national and regional meetings and print collections of material from these and other events.
    USLMB publishes a scientific-engineering journal "Geodesy, Cartography, Land Management" from 1961.

    Sofia 1000, Bulgaria, 108 Rakovski str., office 603m
    Tel: +359 2 987 58 52 / +359 2 986 13 57
    Fax: +359 2 987 93 60
    e-mail: office@geodesy-union.org
  • NTSEThe Scientific – engineering union of power engineers in Bulgaria is a is a non-profit organization registered in the register of legal non-profit organizations on №1856, Volume 31, p. 195 company case №7815 / 1995 with an office in Sofia, 108 Rakovski Str., 5th floor, office 505.


    • Assisting in raising the level of professional training;
    • Realization of creative ideas and initiatives of the members of NUTS
    • Assisting enterprises, companies and others to increase their energy efficiency, renewable energy and solving specific problems in the field of energy

    The Association is represented by the Vice president Mr.Tsancho Borisov Tzanev.
    The Scientific - Engineering Union of Power Engineers in Bulgaria organizes courses, conferences, seminars and other scientific and engineering activities.

    1000 Sofia, 108 Rakovski Str.,
    Tel./Fax: +359 2 988 41 58 ; +359 2 987 61 66
    e-mail: energy@fnts-bg.org
  • logo-CEECThe Bulgarian Union of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications (CEEC) is a national scientific-technical “non-governmental, non-political, and non-profit creative and professional association - part of the civil society in the Republic of Bulgaria”.

    • CEEC is a member of the Federation of the Scientific-Technical Unions in Bulgaria (FNTS).
    • CEEC is a member of the Convention of National Societies of Electrical Engineers in Europe (EUREL).

    CEEC works successfully with The Bulgarian Association of Electrical Engineering and Electronics (BASSEL) , The Telecommunications Association and Bulgarian Branch Association of Electronic Industry and Informatics (BBAEII). CEEC has its own structures in all major cities and at the Technical Universities in Sofia and the country.

    CEEC maintains regular contacts with similar organizations abroad. For over ten years CEEC has had a signed agreement with VDE – Germany. Close relations have been established with SEP – the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers and SIER – Society of Power Engineers in Romania. CEEC maintains regular contacts with IEEE based on a long-term agreement, signed more than five years ago. All international conferences organized by CEEC are supported and palatially sponsored by IEEE.

    1000 Sofia, 108 Rakovski Str
    Tel: +359 2 987-97-67 ; +359 2 986-52-00
    e-mail: ceec@mail.bg
  • Logo-SIB3The Union of Inventors in Bulgaria was established in 1932 and rebuilt in 1990 and brings together inventors, patent specialists, breeders and innovators from all fields of technology to protect their professional rights and interests and work to raise the level of their qualifications.

    The Union of Inventors in Bulgaria carries out its aims and objectives as:
    • Organizing and conducting seminars, courses, conferences, exhibitions of inventions and innovations and discussions of legal documents for the innovation policy of the country and inventive activities of independent inventors and research structures;
    • International activities ;
    • Participation in the implementation of projects under different programs;
    • Publishing activity.

    The Union of investors in Bulgaria has formed a Center for Development of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer (CDIPTT), also a non-profit organization. CDIPTT’s scope of activity is to develop, promote and assist in the overall innovation process development – from the idea to the market.(tzristt@abv.bg)

    The Inventions, Transfer, Innovation – ITI magazine is a scientific application and information release of the Union of Inventors in Bulgaria, which reflects the activity of the Union - seminars, courses, conferences and other events organized by the Union and publishes reports, articles and other materials for research in the field of protection of industrial property, the exercise of rights and their transfer.

    1000 Sofia, 108 Rakovski Str., Office 412 B
    tel./fax: +359 2 987 85 98
    Chairman – Dr.eng. Mario Hristov
    e-mail: inventors@abv.bg
  • Logo-SIIBThe Union of Economists in Bulgaria (UEB) is a non-governmental, non-political, creative professional non-profit association.
    The members may be active individuals and entities that deal and do business in the field of science, practice and management.

    The Union of Economists in Bulgaria is the successor and continuer of the First Bulgarian Economic Society (BID), established on June 11, 1895, which exists under that name until January 1950. On 10.20.1964 The Association of Economists in Bulgaria was found. After various changes in name, on May 3, 1990, The Association is recorded as "Union of Economists in Bulgaria" (UEB).

    The main objectives of UEB are:
    • To contribute to the socio-economic prosperity of the country;
    • To participate in the development and implementation of economic innovation and technology in business;
    • Strengthen and expand international contacts and develop mutually beneficial cooperation with similar organizations from abroad;
    • To contribute to the development of economic science and the improvement of practice;
    • To organize the study and dissemination of economic experience of other countries.

    1000 Sofia, 108 Rakovski Str., 4th foor
    Tel./Fax: +359 2 987-18-47
    E-mail: economics@financebg.com ; unieconom@abv.bg
  • lesotehnikaThe Scientific and Technical Union of Forestry is the largest professional organization with multiple social activities for the benefit of its members, which brings together experts from the sectors: forestry, woodworking and furniture production, landscape architecture, environmental protection, pulp and paper. It fosters regular members in their implementation as professionals and increases their creative and professional qualification.

    The Union organizes discussions, conferences, courses, seminars and other scientific and technical events. The lecturers are famous scientists, professors from the University of Forestry in Sofia, leading experts from government bodies - the Executive Forest Agency, The Forest Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, The Pulp and Paper Institute, etc.

    The Union attracts well-known lecturers from abroad.

    За контакти:
    1000 Sofia, 108 Rakovski Str.,
    Tel: +359 2 9883 683,
    fax: +359 2 9879 360
    e-mail: ntsl@mail.bg ; office@ntsl.org
  • SMThe Mechanical Engineering Union (STUME) is a voluntary independent non-political democratic self-supporting and self-governing creative professional public organization with an unlimited in time term of activity.

    MHU is the successor of the cause and activities of the founders of the first Engineering Society in the town of Rousse established in 1885, of the Bulgarian Engineering Architectural Society and of the Association of Technicians and Mechanics of the Bulgarian Navy, of the Union of the Graduates of the Marine Mechanical College, of the General Association of the Technicians with Secondary Education, of the Union of Practicing Mechanics and of the Organization of Freelance Engineers and Architects.

    1000 Sofia, 108 Rakovski Str., IV floor, room 411
    Tel: +359 2 986 22 40,
    fax: +359 986 22 40
    e-mail: ntsl@mail.bg ; nts-bg@mech-ing.com
  • mdgm2The Scientific engineering union of Mining, Geology and Metallurgy is voluntary, non-governmental, politically unbiased, creative professional non-profit association. The Union has more than 1,800 members - scientists, engineers, technicians and other specialists in the field of mining, geology and metallurgy and legal persons from home and abroad related to this activity.

    The Union operates with 14 regional organizations, nine scientific and engineering societies and clubs and seven integrated units. The collective members of the Union are currently 19 - entities from mining and metallurgical fields and geology. Governing bodies of the Union are: the General Assembly and the Board.

    The Union interacts actively on the issues of different fields with the Ministry of Economy and Energy, the Ministry of Environment and Water, the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, the Bulgarian Chamber of Mining and Geology, The Bulgarian Association of the Metallurgical Industry (BAMI), the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, the Union of the Scientists in Bulgaria and more organizations and companies.

    The Union is a co-founder of the publishing house "Land 93" and is co-editor of the "Mining and Geology" journal.

    The Union is a member of 19 similar international public organizations and academies, the prominent are:

    • World Mining Congress (WMC)
    • International Academy of Mineral Resources (IAMR)
    • Department of Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry and Mining Sciences (Russian Academy of Sciences)
    • International Science Academy of Ecology and Safety

    Balkan associations:

    • Balkan Union of Metalworkers (BUM)
    • Balkan Committee for enrichment of minerals
    • Balkan Geophysical Society

    1000 Sofia, 108 Rakovski Str.
    Tel./Fax: +359 2 986 13 79, Тел: +359 2 987 57 27
    Secretary - General: Dr. eng. Kremena Dedelyanova
    e-mail: mdgm@fnts-bg.org
  • The Scientific engineering union of Agriculture is a creative professional association with members working in different fields: researchers, managers, specialists: agronomists, veterinarians, zoo engineers, microbiologists, agricultural economists, engineers and other professionals associated with agricultural production sectors and activities and entities that may constitute collective members of the country and other countries that contribute to achieving the objectives of the Union and the performing of its tasks.

    The Union represents and assists its members, contributes to the implementation of scientific and engineering progress in agriculture, increases the qualification of specialists, contributes to their professional development, protects their professional, creative and social rights and interests, develops proposals for programs and legal regulations acts, stimulates the progress of inventive activity and the holders of intellectual property rights, organizes examinations, and testing the career development of its members, contributes to finding and promoting the latest information on new technologies, organizational forms of economic activity, standardization and wages and regulation of the economic relations in agriculture, organizes national, regional and other scientific and engineering events, symposiums, conferences, discussions, round tables, exchange of experiences at home and abroad, exhibitions, competitions, advice, training and retraining, nominations and more. The Union coordinates its operational activities with the Federation of the scientific engineering unions in order to mobilize and prioritize assistance of solving the tasks of the union as well as strengthening and expanding contacts with similar organizations at home and abroad.
    1000 Sofia, 108 Rakovski Str., IV floor, room 414
    Tel./fax: +359 2 987 65 13
    Secretary General: prof. Valio Valev
    e-mail: valio.valev@yahoo.com
  • NTSS2The scientific engineering union of Construction is the oldest professional organization that brings together civil engineers and builders of the system of higher and secondary education, public administration, construction and design organizations, as well as future engineers - MSc and PhD.

    The Union carries out multilateral social activities for the benefit of its members and assists them in realizing their selves as specialists, improving their creative and professional qualification.

    The Union organizes courses, seminars, conducts national and international scientific and practical conferences. This activity is carried out in close cooperation with universities and high schools, The Chamber of Constructors, The Chamber of Design Engineers, The Chamber of Architects, and relevant committees in the National Assembly and the Ministries.

    The Union holds an annual competition for best graduation project of Civil Engineering graduates, named after the renowned master builder Koliu Fitcheto.

    1000 Sofia, 108 Rakovski Str., IV floor, room 412 a
    Tel./Fax: +359 2 988 46 78
    e-mail: ntssb_sf@abv.bg
  • TOKThe Scientific engineering union of Textile, Garment and Leather is the largest professional association of creative professionals working in the field of textiles and clothing. Membership in the Union is individual and collective / legal entities /.
    Membership in the Union of gives constant professional and business contacts; support for professional development at home and abroad; mutual awareness and support; involvement in solving problems and trends of the industry.

    Main activities:

    • Organizing scientific engineering conferences, symposia, courses, seminars, exhibitions, congresses, etc.;
    • Researching, design, development introductory, and expert consultancy;
    • Information and publishing activity in the textile sector.

    The Union currently issues monthly the "Textiles and clothing" magazine containing scientific, engineering and economic information, information about upcoming events, exhibitions, congresses and others concerning the textile, clothing industry and fashion.

    1000 Sofia, 108 Rakovski Str., IV floor, room 406, 407
    Fax: +359 2 988 16 41
    Phone: +359 2 980 30 45
    e-mail: tok.chair@fnts.bg ; textilejournal.corrector@fnts.bg
  • NTSTThe scientific engineering union of Transport is a voluntary association of scientific organizations, and other non-profit legal entities of scientists, engineers, technicians and other specialists in the branch of transport, road construction and other activities, related to the field.

    The Union is created to operate in private benefit under the Non-profit organizations Law, and is a member of the Federation of Scientific engineering Unions (FSEU). The Union can be a member of other similar organizations registered in the Republic of Bulgaria or abroad.
    Business activities (consulting, research activities, organization of courses, with or without certification, implementation of projects, organizing national and international events and other activities in accordance with the national legislation), using incomes from operations in order to achieve its aims.

    1000 Sofia, 108 Rakovski Str., IV floor, room 412 a
    Tel./Fax: +359 2 987 23 71 ,
    e-mail: nts.sofia@abv.bg / iassen_g@mail.bg
  • SHB3The Scientific engineering union of Chemists is a voluntary, independent, non-governmental, non-profit, creative and professional organization of chemists, chemical engineers and other experts with higher education that work in the field of the chemical science, chemical industry and chemical education in Bulgaria. This institution is based on the grounds of democracy, autonomy, clear terms of reference, and self-funding.

    The main direction of the work of the Union is the scientific and technical activity. The Union regularly hosts national and international conferences and symposia, meetings and discussions on certain issues. The Union is a co-organizer of international conferences and the chemical organizations of the countries of South Eastern Europe, the Balkan Environmental Association and others.

    The Union pays special attention to the use of the scientific and engineering potential of assessments and proposals related to the formation of scientific and engineering, environmental, economic and social policy. For this purpose the Union is interested to maintain regular contacts with companies from the chemical industry, and their consortium and Branch Chamber, as well as national public authorities and organizations that develop legal regulations related to chemical science, industry and education.

    Issues of the Union of Chemists in BULGARIA

    • „"Chemistry and Industry" (ISSN 1310-6716) - in Bulgarian

    These journals contain original research articles and reviews in all fields of chemistry and chemical technology and materials for the activities of the members of the Union of Chemists in Bulgaria and his partner organizations from the education, science and industry.

    The Union of Chemists in Bulgaria is represented by the President Venko Nikolaev Beshkov and Secretary General Eng. Nayden Christov Naydenov.

    1000 Sofia, 108 Rakovski Str.
    Tel/fax: +359 2 987 58 12
    e-mail: chem@fnts-bg.org
  • SHP 2The Union of Food Industry (UFI) was established in 1965, and unites the efforts of the specialists in the branch, protects their interests and assists for advancement of their qualification level.

    The UFI implements its mission and objectives by:

    • Arranging and participating in courses, workshops and discussions on food regulations, exhibitions;
    • Publishing activities;
    • Working with scientific and educational entities.

    The Union of Food Industry possesses License from NAPOO as a Centre for professional trainings for 55 different professions with 76 different subjects from the area of Food Industry and other areas of the economy of the country.
    UFI has a rich experience in the field of qualification and re-qualification. The union has at its disposal a highly qualified team of lecturers, which makes it the most preferable partner for the national and international companies.

    The “Food Processing Industry” magazine is the only specialized edition for the food sector in the country. It has more than 50 years of publishing history, and it is targeted to the stakeholders of the food industry in Bulgaria – “A magazine by professionals for professionals”. Further to the specific production topics, it covers also the current amendments of the legislation, the opportunities for financing and support to the SMEs, the requirements of the trading chains.

    1000 Sofia, 108 Rakovksi Str., IV floor ; room 408
    Tel./fax: +359 2 987-47-44
    Secretary General Sonya Burgudjieva, Eng. MSc.
    e-mail: ufi_sb@abv.bg
  • logo-BSSThe aim of The Union is to support the professional and creative development and implementation of its members, protect their professional interests, organize and intensify their activity to solve the issues of standardization, accreditation and certification in the economic and social spheres.

    The Union is a member of the Balkan Coordinating Committee for Cooperation in the field of standardization and related activities, maintains links with international organizations such as The International Federation of Standards Users (IFAN) and other international and european standardization organizations.

    1000 Sofia, 108 Rakovski Str., IV floor ; room 412 B
    Tel./Fax: +359 2 989 894 6
    e-mail: bss@mbox.contact.bg
  • Logo-MetroThe Scientific engineering union of metrologists in Bulgaria is a non-profit organization. It is a national, non-governmental, non-political, creative-professional organization of voluntary associations and equal individuals and companies working in the field measurements and metrology.
    The Union makes studies and distributes scientific and engineering knowledge, national and international achievements, issues different publications, organizes symposia, conferences, seminars, discussions, courses, exhibitions and other scientific, engineering and outreach activities.

    The main objectives are to improve the image of metrologists and to create conditions for increasing the creative and professional qualifications and expression of skill in the field of measurements, to assist the government and other organizations setting up policies in areas related to the metrologist’s activity.

    The main document of The Union is the statute, carried by the General Assembly and rules approved by the Board of the Union.

    The Union is a member of the Federation of the scientific engineering unions in Bulgaria (FSEU). The Union has signed cooperation agreements with the Bulgarian Institute of Metrology, the Executive Agency “Bulgarian Accreditation Service”, the Technical Committee of General Metrology of the Bulgarian Institute for Standardization – organizations that promote events, discussions, workshops and conferences. The Union participates in all traditional, national international conferences and seminars in the field of metrology.

    The Union is a member of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) and actively participates in the work of its technical committees.
    The Union publishes a periodical newsletter.

    1000 Sofia, 108 Rakovski Str.
    Tel./Fax: +359 2 989 39 46
    e-mail: smb@fnts-bg.org
  • Logo-SSKBThe Scientific engineering union of Quality Management Specialists was established in 1991 as the successor of the Central cabinet of quality management specialists, created in 1969.
    The Union is one of the leading organizations in the field of quality systems, ecology and working conditions, reliability, testing, accreditation, certification, standardization in order to support the adaptation of the economic entities in the Republic of Bulgaria in order to be a successful accession to the European Union by:

    • Promoting of best Bulgarian and foreign practices in management and quality assurance, environmental, safe work environment conditions and creating an optimum for their use;
    • Consulting scientific engineering assistance in the development and implementation of modern quality systems, environmental and work safety, preparation for accreditation of laboratories, statistical methods, and in other areas of the Unions actions;
    • Assistance for finding professional contacts, providing informational materials about news and upcoming national and international events in the field of quality and ecology, organizing discussions, exhibitions, etc.;
    • Assistance for the implementation of European standards by organizing scientific and engineering events - conferences, symposia, courses, etc.. in the field of quality systems, environmental and occupational safety and health, integrated management systems, internal audits, certification, testing, accreditation and reliability for managerial and executive staff, researchers and postgraduate students;
    • Issuing the “Quality” newsletter with updated information and the ambitious task of serving a wide range of readers: managers, practitioners, scholars and connoisseurs of the latest in quality management.

    The Union is a member of the Federation of the scientific engineering unions in Bulgaria (FSEU), Technical Committee of Quality management and conformity assessment of the Bulgarian Institute for Standardization and the National Tourist Council.
    The Union cooperates with the State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance, the Bulgarian Institute of Metrology, the Executive Agency “Bulgarian Accreditation Service”, the Bulgarian Drug Agency, the Commission for Consumer Protection, the Bulgarian Tourist Chamber, the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association, Club 9000, SGS Bulgaria, TÜV Rheinland Bulgaria, ministries, universities, research institutes, national unions, regional and other organizations.

    1000 Sofia, 108 Rakovksi Str, VI floor ; room 601
    Tel./fax: +359 2 988-40-75 ; +359 879 602 164
    E-mail: sskb.bg@abv.bg

Association "Club 9000" - Your partner and assistent in the field of quality

Association "Club 9000" is a non-profit nongovernmental organization (NGO), established in 1991. The Association was created as an answer to the appeared real necessity to speed up the harmonization of the activities related to the Quality Management in the Bulgarian organizations with the internationally accepted practices embedded in the International Standards - the ISO 9000 series. During the years, thanks to its policy and efficient activities in favor of its members, the Association firmly established itself as an authoritative organization and keeps developing. The number of its members already exceeds 450, including almost 120 juridical persons, behind which stay other hundreds of managers and specialists.

The activities of the Association naturally include also the Environmental Management Systems, which gain increasing importance. Embedded in the International Standards of the ISO 14000 series, containing the requirements to the Environmental Management, are the principles of Quality Management provided in the ISO 9000 series.

The implementation of Quality Systems, based on the ISO 9000 series and of Environmental Management Systems in accordance with ISO 14000 series is a must and a condition for achieving competitiveness. Members can rely on active support for the realization of these tasks and for maintenance of efficient systems by "Club 9000".

The Association is aiming to follow the further development of the activities in Quality Management and Environmental Management by the international organizations, the leading countries and companies and to provide in time the necessary information to its members. Every single member of the Association "Club 9000" has our active support in their efforts to achieve competitiveness and successful business through the Quality Management and Environmental Management Systems.

In the field of the Quality Systems, the Environmental Management Systems and the Integrated Systems:

  • makes the latest international and domestic documents available on time to the Bulgarian managers and specialists;
  • assists in familiarizing with the leading experience of foreign and domestic companies;
  • facilitates the aquisition of lasting knowledge and accumulation of specific experience for execution of practical activities;
  • helps the companies in: development, implementation, and efficient functioning of the systems; the internal audits; solving specific practical problems;
  • mediates in realization of contacts with consulting organizations and certification bodies;
  • provides opportunities for professional contacts and mutual assistance between specialists and companies;
  • organizes seminars, conferences, meetings and various scientific and technical events with the participation of leading Bulgarian and foreign experts;
  • organizes training for managers and specialists in the practical application of the new approaches and requirements for acquisition of the necessary qualification;
  • publishes an information bulletin, containing useful information materials and written consultations on specific topics;
  • is a member of the: Federation of the Scientific and Technical Unions; Bulgarian Industrial Association, and Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
  • cooperates with the: State Agency for Standardization and Metrology; Federation of Consumers in Bulgaria; Bulgarian Union of Standardisers; Union of the Metrologists in Bulgaria; Union of the Quality Professionals; Center for Quality, Productivity and Management, and Certification bodies and consulting organizations, which are its members
Chairman : Mr. Katerin Katerinov
e-mail: club9000@club9000.org
GSM: 0888 615 611
Secretary: Mr. Vladimir Kosev
e-mail: kosev@club9000.org
web: http://www.club9000.org
GSM: 0877 648 980
1000 Sofia,G. S. Rakovski str. 108
tel./fax: (02) 980 4910, GSM 089 828 10 05


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Бургас Териториална организация на НТС  
Варна Териториална организация на НТС nts.varna-bg.org
email: nts@nts.varna.net
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Враца Дом на науката и техниката www.dnt-vratza.com
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Кърджали Териториална организация на НТС www.nts-kj.org
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Монтана Териториална организация на НТС  www.nts-montana.com
Пазарджик Териториална организация на НТС www.ntspz.com
Перник Териториална организация на НТС www.ntspernik.com
Плевен Териториална организация на НТС www.nts-pleven-obuchenia.com
Пловдив Сдружение на НТС с дом на науката и техниката www.hst.bg
Разград Дом на науката и техниката  
Русе Териториална организация на НТС с ДНТ www.nts-ruse.org
Силистра Териториална организация на фНТС  
Сливен Териториална организация на НТС  
Смолян Регионални научно технически съюзи www.nts-sm.org
София Столичен дом на науката и техниката  
София регион Дом на науката и техниката www.dntsofreg.org
Стара Загора Научно-технически съюз www.nts-sz.org
Търговище Териториална организация на НТС www.nts-targovishte.com
Хасково Териториална организация на НТС www.nts-haskovo.info
Шумен Дом на науката и техниката  
Ямбол Териториална организация на НТС www.nts-yambol.org
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