The FEDERATION OF THE SCIENTIFIC ENGINEERING UNIONS (FNTS) in Bulgaria is a professional, scientific - educational, non-governmental, non-political non-profit association of legal entities - professional organizations registered under the Law on non-profit legal entities, whose members are engineers, economists and other specialists in the field of science, technology, economy and agriculture.
FNTS is a co-founder and member of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO).
FNTS a member of the European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI), and a member of the Standing Conference of engineering organizations from Southeast Europe / CO.PICEE /, Global Compact, European Young Engineers (EYE).
FNTS performed bilateral cooperation with similar organizations from many countries.
- FNTS brings together 19 national associations - Scientific and Technical Unions / STU /, 34 territorial associations, which have more than 15000 professionals across the country.
- FNTS is the sole owner of the limited liability company "INOVATICS" LTD with the scope of reseaching development activities.
- FNTS operates a Vocational training center licensed by the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training.